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Stewardship of Gifts

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). We are called by God to serve one another, to use our God-given gifts in a manner that is stewardly. Stewardship is often thought of when we need to manage our resources. However, God’s Word is clear that we must manage our skills and gifts as well. How do we manage them? By using them in kingdom work! We are called to be set-apart people who seek to serve more than we seek to be served. However, too often, we fall into the world’s mindset of becoming self-centered. Fortunately for us, our God is forgiving and gives us opportunities to change our ways. So I ask: What gifts has God given you to be used to serve others? Do you like to make food? Make food for the kingdom by making meals for struggling families in your church or by feeding the poor! Do you like to sew or crochet? Create warmth for the kingdom by making blankets, hats, and gloves for people out in the cold! Do you like to work with your hands? Use your hands for the kingdom through building and creating! We are to use our God-given gifts responsibly for the kingdom of God. What are you gifted in? Are you ready to use those gifts for the kingdom of God?

There are many opportunities to use your God-given gifts at the Center of Hope. Unfortunately, during the season of Covid-19 the last several years, our volunteer base dropped significantly, which has put more stress on our staff during periods of need. Thankfully, people are starting to show interest again in volunteering. However, we still need more volunteers to better fulfill our mission to walk alongside people to promote physical and spiritual health. Here are ways you can serve our guests through the Center of Hope:

Serve in our Geared-To-Empower Bike Ministry. Last year, 750 bicycles left our Bike Ministry. Did you know that it takes us 2-5 hours per bicycle to get the bicycle to our standards? That is equivalent to 2,250 hours that we spent repairing bicycles for our guests and that is not counting the countless hours working alongside our guests with bicycle repair during our shop hours. If God has gifted you with mechanical ability, consider serving in our Bike Ministry.

Serve at the Center of Hope Free Evening Clinic for the uninsured. In January, we merged with the Destiny After Hours Clinic and have been expanding services to better serve our community. We are seeing an increase in patients as we expand our services.

We are excited to see what God does through the clinic in the years to come. With that said, we are looking for registered nurses and prayer partner volunteers at our clinic. If God has gifted you with the desire to care for people medically, consider serving at our clinic.

Serve in our Care Center. Our Care Center is a place of healing for many of our guests. They come to be encouraged, guided, and helped by our pastoral staff and volunteers. Many come to our thrift store for highly subsidized clothing items for their families to spread out their dollar. Many in crisis come for clothing provisions and pastoral counseling. If God has gifted you with the ability to talk with people and you have a desire to keep people warm, consider serving in our Care Center.

God has been doing wonderful things through the Center of Hope. Every year, we are seeing the number of people walking through our doors increase by 2,500. We surpassed in April where we were last year (January-May 2022) in most of our services, which means we are more than a month ahead where we were last year in caring for our community. For example, our Earn-Your-Way participants have increased by 400% since last year! All that to say, we are looking for mission-minded people to come serve at the Center of Hope. However, we encourage you to use your God-given gifts to serve anywhere that serves our community. Be stewards of the gifts that God has given you! Love God. Love people. Go!

Keep reading to learn about our Breakfast Fundraiser and more!

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